Welcome to

Satya Sandesh Samiti

The Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion works for the social development and integration of underprivileged individuals, groups and communities in National Capital of Territory of Delhi. An efficient, effective and sustainable charitable sector.

To efficiently and effectively regulate and enable the charitable sector to enhance its role in development of National Capital of Territory of Delhi. Our work aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation and to restore hope for a better future. We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to - transform their lives and shape a better world. We believe that every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of our society.



The Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion works for the social development and integration of underprivileged individuals, groups and communities in National Capital of Territory of Delhi. An efficient, effective and sustainable charitable sector.


To efficiently and effectively regulate and enable the charitable sector to enhance its role in development of National Capital of Territory of Delhi. Our work aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation and to restore hope for a better future. We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to - transform their lives and shape a better world. We believe that every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of our society.




  1. To work for the promotion of educational, spiritual, physical and mental development.
  2. To promote National Health Programmes.
  3. To protest against social evils.
  4. To arrange for weaker section of people all institutional and physical education to make them economically self reliant.